Today our intrepeter, Tonya, had to travel, so we are on our own all day. We finally slept in past 4 am (thanks to the help of medication!). I woke up hungry as usual, so we went to the market to buy bananas and dave is trying the instant coffee, because he is tired of drinking the small shots of sludge they offer. We both miss the American institution of Starbucks!
It is an absolutely gorgeous day outside, maybe around 80 and breezy, so we went for a long walk. We ended up near the river. We are discovering that Kherson really is a beautiful town full of wide walkways and historic buildings. We wish we could read anything so that we could figure out what all the places are; instead, our walks take us to heavily guarded spots (a jail maybe?), watch ambulances go into gaitways (hospital) and pass rather rundown looking schools.
We cannot getover the amount of beer offered here-from early am till who knows when?-(since we have been advised to be in by dark.) Also, considering the amount of tight dresses, heals and skin showing, we are surprised there is not any cat calls or shenanigans going on-in public. I was a very rare breed today in my running shoes and workout outfit, btw...
We are waiting to hear back from Tonya, but we are hoping to be able to talk to the inspector tomorrow early am. We need his approval to be able to visit the orphanage. Stas is still at the "camp" by the sea until sometime later. We are prayerful that we can grab a taxi and go visit him (about an hour away?) but will need to be advised by a higher official to see if we can make this happen.
seems like you have been gone what do you do in the evening if you can't go they have you have a good book to read or do you just rest? so many you...